Youth & Singles, Youth Service

The Holy Spirit by Victoria Inok

Text: Zachariah 4 vs 6, Acts 1 vs 8

The Holy Spirit reveals God to you.

Who the Holy Spirit is not
1. Holy Spirit is not a thing . Gen 1 He is real
2. Holy Spirit is not a force or fire .. He is a person
3. He is not an errand boy, He is God in every way
4. He is not a tongue. 
5. The Holy Spirit is Jesus unlimited
The Jesus we don’t see, is Holy Spirit to us

Who is the Holy Spirit?
1. He is Jesus unlimited.. John 14 vs 16-18
2. He is cherished by the father and the son .
3. He is the revelation of Jesus
4. He is a perfect gentleman
5. He is the wisdom of God.
6. He is the light of God

Why do we need the Holy spirit?
Romans 8 vs 14. A son of God is someone led by the Spirit of God .

In conclusion , Man was not created to lead himself, but to be lead by the holy spirit .

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