
What you need to know about Ebola Virus

What you need to know about Ebola Virus 
What you need to know on what God says about your health

We are aware on the latest development and crisis some African countries face on the spread of this deadly disease “Ebola Virus

We as a nation should consistently pray for the continent at large, for this is a sign of the end time.

What are you doing about it? “Running, Searching for cure, Searching for source, praying or what?

Stay calm!, connect with God, clinch to the word of God and evangelize because with or without Ebola, we all will face our rapture (death) someday

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and every other thing (Security, good health etc) shall be added unto you. Remember He said ” I respect my word more than my name.

It is well!

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