Youth Service

Story of Seyi Abolaji

Youth service
Minuter: Mr Seyi Abolaji
Topic: My story

Greater work will you do .

You are special because of the holy spirit

If you have the holy spirit, you have a life of impact

Holy spirit help us maintain integrity

Success is not a magical process.

Holy spirit is an aid to success in life

Education is about read, write, communicate and help others to grow .

Education is the ability to grow , organize and be disciplined.

– what does it take to be successful in Nigeria

1. Good leader: a good leader can help 50 people or more to grow and become better.

Change doesn’t come from the top, change come from us.

Leadership determines the success or failure .

-There are two important foundation
1. Culture : create better . the courage to be different . the ability to start.
S- sacrifice
C- consistency
I- integrity
T- team work
2. Core values : the values and standard set in an organization or that you set for yourself .

Leaders are dedicated to service.

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